Widening Participation in Medicine

Building better futures

We believe the circumstances that a child is born into should not limit them from achieving their full potential.

Do you believe that too?

Promoting fair access, regardless of individual circumstance

Generation Medics was founded by a team of NHS doctors with one simple aim: to widen participation by improving access, so that the workforce can become more representative of the society it serves.

Nearly seven years later our programmes are designed to improve access and retention. 

Our organisation and programmes have won several prestigious awards, and we’re now working with NHS England, NHS Health Education England (HEE) and Universities across the UK to make our shared dream a reality.

Want to know what widening participation is? You can find out more here.

Proven track record, with years of experience and 100% recommendation rate from past schools, pupils and teachers

Strong connections with schools, colleges and communities across the UK including the most hard-to-reach groups

Pick ‘n’ Mix programmes to integrate within your existing offering and future Access Agreement objectives

Addressing inequality for social mobility and improved patient care

Research shows the importance of supporting students from low socio-economic backgrounds to access the medical profession.

  • 74% of those working in medicine come from a professional or managerial class background, compared with 30% of the UK population as a whole.
% of people who attend Private School from the entire population
% senior doctors who were privately educated
  • Only 6% of doctors come from a working class background. 
  • 80% of applications to medical school come from just 20% of schools.
  • Although only 7% of the entire population attended Private Schools, 61% of Senior Doctors were privately educated.

The ‘skills which modern doctors require include far greater understanding of the social and economic backgrounds of the people they serve’, the medical profession ‘has a long way to go when it comes to making access fairer, diversifying its workforce and raising social mobility’.

group discussion

We can help

We’re experts at widening participation. Collectively our team has tens of years of experience that’s won awards, funding and recognition from the likes of NHS England, HEE, HEFCE and Universities UK.

We’re a group of doctors who have been in the shoes of these young people and we’re determined to help.

Head to our ‘About us’ page to read out story.

We’ve spent years and years working in this market and we’ve learnt what works first hand.

During this time we’ve established trusted relationships with schools, colleges, teachers, parents and pupils from hard-to-reach backgrounds so you don’t have to.

Recruit students who are serious about Medicine, and integrate our programmes of support to improve student retention
Use our connections to work with disadvantaged, under-represented and hard-to-reach groups
Build bespoke and fully integrated Widening Participation projects and activities based on your needs

What our customers and partners have to say

What teachers think of our impact

Trusted support with a proven track record

Our dedicated team are up-to-date with the latest developments and ensure that we deliver fun, educational and inspirational experiences for pupils. We’ll work alongside you and your team to adapt our services to your needs and achieve the results you’re looking for.


Our fully trained team can deliver our bespoke programmes on behalf of your institution. Furthermore, we can target the disadvantaged and underrepresented according to the objectives of your institution and the regional/local objectives.

Here are some examples of what we can do:

  • Interact with children from an early age in Primary Schools to inspire, empower and provide enrichment. As a result, breaking down barriers before they are formed.
  • Offer taster sessions, experience projects and full application support conferences/holiday programmes to encourage non-traditional applicants.
  • E-learning, mentoring and face-to-face/online peer support.
  • Ongoing support throughout university study to encourage success.


Our experienced team can work with your existing in-house teams to enhance and improve your widening participation initiatives to achieve best-practice and in turn better outcomes. Our industry experts will apply their knowledge with ‘fresh eyes’ on your programmes to create innovative solutions.

Here are some examples of what we can do:

  • Help you target underrepresented and hard-to-reach groups to widen participation and create a step-change in your applications
  • Specifically build and encourage aspiration for medical specialties with shortages
  • Build aspiration from an early-age through a progressive outreach programme that builds a pipeline of talent
  • Innovate curriculum in order to ensure those from disadvantaged and underrepresented backgrounds are more likely to succeed

With our widening participation programmes already created and ready to be delivered by our local teams, whether you’re a new medical school or an existing medical school looking to supplement the work that your WP/marketing departments do- you’re in safe hands.

You can pick and choose from activities that we’re ready to deliver, just get in touch and we can discuss what we’re able to offer.

Take a minute to get to know us

the people behind Generation Medics

Generation Medics Team Meeting
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