Complete List of Universities that Require UCAT

The UCAT is the most common admissions test required by medical and dental applicants.

If you’re thinking about applying to study Medicine, Dentistry or Physician Associate studies then you might be required to sit the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT) because it’s used in the selection process by the majority of medical and dental schools in the UK. 

* It’s worth noting that prior to 2019 the UCAT admissions test was known as the UKCAT.

Don't get caught out!

We’ve put together this helpful list so you can check if the universities you’re interested in applying to study at require applicants to take the UCAT. 

When you’re closer to applying, we always recommend double-checking individual university websites for their entry requirements directly so that you don’t miss anything. To help with this research, we’ve helpfully linked to each uni for you! 😊

Here's the complete list of UK Medical and Dental Schools that require you to have sat the UCAT

Institution Course Code(s)
A100 Medicine
A201 Dental Surgery BDS (Graduate-Entry Pathway)
A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine
A101 Medicine: Graduate Entry (BMBS)
A100 Medicine
A200 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A108 Gateway to Medicine
A206 Dentistry
A208 Gateway to Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A100* Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A200 Dentistry

A100* Medicine
A202 Dentistry

A101 Medicine
A100 Medicine
A200 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A104 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A100 Medicine
A110 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A100 Medicine
A100* Medicine
A100 Medicine
A200 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A108 Medicine with a Gateway Year
A100* Medicine
A104 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A100 Medicine
A100 Medicine
A101 Extended Medical Degree Programme
A102 Graduate-entry Medicine
A202 Graduate-entry Dentistry
A205 Dentistry
A206 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A199 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A100* Medicine
A200 Dentistry
A104 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A106 Medicine
A204 Dentistry Entry Programme for Medical Graduates
A206 Dentistry
A300 Physician Associate Studies (MSc)
A301 Physician Associate Studies (PGDip)
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A206 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A10L Medicine (Lincoln Pathway)
A108 Gateway to Medicine
A18L Medicine with a Foundation Year (Lincoln Pathway)
A100 Medicine
A206 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A110 Medicine with a Foundation Year
A200 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A200* Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A200 Dentistry
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A102 Medicine Widening Participation programme
A100 Medicine
A990 Medicine (for Canadian Students only)
A100 Medicine
BB96 Physician Associate Studies (MPAS)
A100 Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine
A101 Graduate-entry Medicine

* means that alternative requirements may apply to certain groups of students. See the individual university websites for more details.

We hope you found this helpful! 👍🏽 

Read next: 👉🏾 The Complete list of UK Medical Schools that require the BMAT 👈🏾

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